Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Due for a Check-in

It has been a while and I must admit that the past few weeks I have "fallen off the wagon" so to speak. My eating habits have been horrible. I am not sure what triggered it, but I need to get back on track (actually, that's not true - it coincided with my grand-maman's death - an emotional trigger). I have added on a few pounds (I am at 207.6lbs), but I will not let that get me down. It's just a reality check and highlights how important what you are putting in your mouth is. I have been exercising regularly, but not fueling myself properly and have been more sluggish lately. I know that I need to be better about going to bed at a decent hour, watching my eating habits and drinking more water during the day. I am going to get through this "bump" along the way because I refuse to go back. I am now doing 4 classes a week and will continue to do so (although tomorrow I will bow out of my class because I hurt myself today in Tabata - my lower back is pinching). So, for anyone who has ever had a setback: do not let it derail you or make you throw in the towel - use it as something to get you focused on your next try. I am going to drop under 200lbs. You just watch me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Completely understandable ... you are doing great. It's the same for quitting smoking and this wasn't any kind of weakness or "falling off the wagon" :) You will be right back on track.
