Okay, so I have been completely lazy the past 2 months and have not progressed at all towards where I want to be. I could list a whole bunch of reasons to why I am at this point, but they'd only be excuses. Yup, they are EXCUSES! I am not looking for anyone to give me a break. I am upset with myself and should give myself a good talking to. I have not made the effort to do the workouts at home. I often find myself on the couch thinking about how tired I am...Gee, I wonder why? And then I end up staying up later than I should. What does that do? It shortens my hours for sleep (which is detrimental) and means that hunger pangs hit when I would be sleeping (which means more calories consumed). Any changes since I said I was going to start getting healthier? The only one is that I am 1 pound heavier (yup, I managed to go up to 214.6lbs). I know it's not a ton, but it's still in the wrong direction. If I let this one slide and then another and another, next thing you know I will have an additional 10-20 to worry about!
What to do? Time to start writing down a schedule I plan to stick with. Time to plan out more meals (including adding new things to the repertoire to keep things interesting). I also need to sacrifice a guilty pleasure of mine: Tim Horton's ice caps! They are yummy, but filled with sugar and lots of empty calories. No more daily stop on the way to work (I managed to drive by today without stopping even though I thought about it). My waistline (and my wallet) will thank me later...
Now that it is warming up, I need to spend time outside. If anything, my girls will love that! Go for walks, take the girls to park, just get moving! I am going to make this work...come hell or highwater!
And here is something to think about:
Now that it is warming up, I need to spend time outside. If anything, my girls will love that! Go for walks, take the girls to park, just get moving! I am going to make this work...come hell or highwater!
And here is something to think about: